The Great Eye Tyrant of the Helmlands
The Oath have become aware of Great Eye Tyrant, a most dangrous beholder present in the Helmlands. It's currently preocupied with bringing the spider abberants under it's control.
Please see the relevent file on them.
Once it has done this, it will go more aggresive and have a stronger force under it's control.. this broods ill for Arabel.
We kill the spider abberants and it will become frustrated and unpreditable with a focus on aquiring new slaves.. this broads ill for Eveningstar and other smaller seetlements.
Thus we must either weaken it long term, or outright kill it.
I'm open to ideas on how we bring it down.
Soppi of the Redwood
Councilor Soppi,
I know some about Beholders, they fire deadly beams from their eye stalks with varying levels of unpleasant results.
If I were to suggest anything, it is that you may wish to look into a poison that can be aerosolized and flooded into whatever hive this creature resides, that carries the symptom of blindness. Short of that, I foresee only a death march.I have little experience in poison, but it may be an avenue worth some investment.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari.
Posion seems a smart path of attack to me too... hence this.
Soppi of the Redwood
A letter is shared
Give this man a hand if you can.
Soppi of the Redwood
Isn't trying to capture a beholder really stupid?
There's nowhere safe to keep it for a start.
Then there's the fact it would likely try to enslave or just kill those holding it.
Naresh your thoughts?
Soppi of the Redwood
I must agree with the Councilor from the Greywatch. Beholders cannot be contained. Best that any encountered are slain or if beyond the ability then avoided until prepared. Attempting to capture one presents an unreasonable risk to the realm and may antagonize them into turning their focus on innocents.
Councilor Castemont
Rather than capture beholders, perhaps start tests on the smaller cousins, the Gauth and Gazer. Trials could be done with relative safety. On other notes, the Precept Arcanum has had interest in researching the beholder kin's eye stalks for some time. We've the facilities to perform what tests you may wish.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari.
I've given him a update.
Soppi of the Redwood
I still think any attempt to bring these sort of creatures into the city for research puts people at risk.
The hunter’s union was used to bring in mountain bears and other massive beasts. If the city survived that, it can survive a gazer the size of a child’s head and a guath the size of a torso.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari.
Bears don't have dangerous magic stripping abilities or eye stalks that shoot various deadly beams unlike varieties of beholderkin.
I still believe bringing such things into the city is foolish and dangerous
No, but the Gorgon in there certainly has some petrifying breath.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari.
Zenrin led a group yesterday comprised of myself, Soppi, Rot, A gnome with a stupid name, Greg and a new adventurer.
We were able to gain samples of various beholderkin for Zenrins experiments with poison
Have there been any updates on poisons from Zenrin?
None yet.
As I lay sleeping on my favorite spot of soft mossy ground in my grove last night, an idea came to me.
What if we could turn the Eye Tyrants thralls against it?
It seems far easier to capture and contain one of the many monsterous thralls in the Helmlands than a Beholder for sure, and perhaps once we have one securely in a cell, we could looking for vunrablities in the Eye Tyrants control method for battlefield gain?
Soppi of the Redwood
That makes more sense,
Though I'm unsure what learning how they control thralls would gain against it, It would still have its eye beams and such
I assume the Precept has the facilities to keep a beholder thrall safe and secure for questioning and tests if one is dragged to your base?
Soppi of the Redwood
Under no circumstances will any Eye Tyrant enter this city, in chains or not.
There was a reason why the Black Tower of Raubagaush maintained a facility in the Helmlands, and from there, conducted its research and war against the Hive. Documents from the Masked King's reigns suggest they found something spectacular in the region, and were competing with the Tyrant's Hive to secure the vicinity around it.
In this, I suggest you focus your efforts. His Majesty has indicated he would be eager to reclaim the Helmlands and its resources for the Crown, and will bestow noble titles to the group who can see the hive banished, or destroyed.
Royal Wizard McGregor Falstean