Hullack Bandits
Hullack Bandits (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Hullack Bandits, located in Hullack Forest, High Crimmondwith the removal of the dire spiders, for the most part the quest is pretty underwhelming and easy. Mob AB ranged between 2 to 6 for all enemies aside the boss, with a lot of bandit tracker spawns.
Boss room is too packed though with mobs, and you get completely surrounded.
Rewards were lackluster- only 1 lootable container that didn't give much.
So before it was too hard and now it's too easy?
I'll want to see this run with a party and then we can review some changes. I've not run this with any PC for sometime.
WiP. Stay tuned for the modifactions.
Professor v 7021
- Lowered minimum number of spawns
- Removed some chance for treasure map, cure serious wands, cure moderate wands
- Added some thematic potions, armour, weapons and generic baubles
Another tweak.
- Added some more thematic stuff/adjust spawns. There should be more variety and not be such and overwhelming mob rush all the time.
- Adjusted loot tables some.
Followup on this quest- Had a hard time getting the boss to spawn, had to run through it a few times to trigger it. Not sure if just NWN or the trigger being not big enough or placed weirdly.
Second note- The boss has way too much AC. He has 3 APR and with his rage is at 13/8/8 or something like that due to dual wielding, and has at least 28 AC if not more. I was only able to hit him on a 30+.
Professor v7047
Redrew the trigger. It should not have been an issue given size and placement but just in case it was not a lag issue it's done.
Potential AC lowered slightly. His buffed AC is comparable to a buffed PC. AB is appropriate to the level of challenge this should be.
Lower HP as was too high.