Under a sky painted in crimson hues, the militia of Arabel gathered for the sombre task of executing the infected Wererat. Yet, before the first blow could fall, chaos descended upon the Kings Plaza like a tempest. A gang of criminals, driven by desperation or madness, launched a daring assault, plunging the square into a maelstrom of violence. Despite the valiant resistance of the mushroom-infected assailants, their defiance was ultimately quelled by the overwhelming numbers of the militia and the steadfast resolve of Arabel's citizens. What began as a single execution soon turned into a grim procession of four. Whispers of dread and despair spread through the streets, tales of bodies erupting into spores that infected the unwary and haunted the dreams of the brave. And yet, amid the darkness that threatened to engulf them, the heart of Arabel remained unyielding, a bastion of resilience and hope in the face of adversity. Though the night may have been tainted by blood and sorrow, the spirit of the city endured, a beacon of light shining defiantly against the shadows...