The state of Death...
Following the death of Whisper, and the state of the Church of Cyric... Many of the death priests once in service to the temple depart and scatter. Those that remain elect their own spiritual leaders, few accepting the self proclaimed 'High Priest' and warmonger Ser Crucos.. with some converting to the worship of Talona and Jergal.
The void left behind is largerly filled by the dominant clergy of each city and village. Rituals and burials become much less uniform and begin to vary greatly, dependant on each of the local faiths.
Pyres are built by the dozen in the village of Eveningstar, and priests of Talona provide the mercy of their Goddess to the mourners of Tilverton.
... In the end Cyric's claim over death is diminished, replaced with the fear of cruelty and tyranny.