Trying to broker peace between Eveningstar and the Precept
Izereth seeks an arbitrator to try and remove the exile on the Precept from Eveningstar
Whilst I doubt she would pick me I have suggested to both her and Tass the following seems a fair way to end the hostilities and it may aid us form a better alliance with Eveningstar
Eveningstar apologise for the death of the bloodhounds months ago, As Stillwater could have left the district peacefully and brought the ban on the House of the Morning from the Historic up with the council and seek it revoked.
It was this event that begun the grudge that ended in Tristans death and almost certainly the shadow ritual though Izereth denies the ritual still
On the Precepts side, Izereth should apologise for the killing of Tristan which she admits to but claims self defense, she should offer some restitution to the House of the Morning such as bringing necromantic items for their ward which they say keeps undead out and may weaken the shadows forming from the ritual.
The Count states that those who can arguably broker a peace between the Precept and Eveningstar will no doubt be generously rewarded.
Of course, only one person can be rewarded. Perhaps a merit badge, or a unique badge representing their peaceful and diplomatic nature?
- Sir Everwood
I'll speak with both sides again.
Tass from Eveningstar refuses to speak with Izereth, Izereth wishes to negioate on the Precept side.
If they cannot see reason I may have to build a case and suggested resolution and send it to the council and request a binding vote on it.
I would prefer not to have the council weigh in but if both sides continue to bicker and work against the stability of the region it may be necessary
I'll speak with Tass again
Due to Treths actions Eveningstar has a strong hand now, After all an infernalist of the Precept attacked a group including members of the house of the morning hunting an Abyssal cultist.
I'll suggest to her they now demand the Precept pay Eveningstars debt to Tilverton in return for the exile being lifted
This will also likely get us a solid alliance with the house of the morning
I have spoken with Tass and suggested this.
She seems open to the idea.
I'll speak with Kira of the Precept too and push it as a good way to make amends with us and the House of the Morning for Treths attack as it will bring peace to the region
With a bit of gentle guidance they seem close to making peace
The following is correspondance I've sent them over the last few days
@v-rage said in Letter: Tass marked urgent:
Before you negioate with the Precept again I need to speak with you
There are things you should know that will benefit Eveningstar greatly
@v-rage said in Letter: Kira of the Precept:
I wish to speak on you with Treth and your situation with Eveningstar
After speaking with Tass I believe there is a way to move on from all of this with the minimum of embarrasment to the Precept
Dominic of Helm
Crown Guard
The main points of the deal will be, The Precept will pay off Eveningstars debt to Tilverton and the exile on Precept members be removed, Tieflings of the Precept will be encouraged to seek education on Lathander, And the Precept will apologise to the region for Treth and Izereths actions
This should hamper the Precepts efforts for a while whilst not crippling them and hopefully solidify us opportunities to form closer ties with Eveningstar and showing we wish stability for the region
Kira of the Precept has sent this in
@valkyrie said in Letter to Dominic:
To Whom it may concern,
let it be known that your Crown Guard agent Dominic of Helm has worked hard to mend the rift between the Precept and Eveningstar in pursuit of peace and to form a united front against Arabels many threats.
He has provided council to current membership of the Precept and we will continue to keep our ties with Dominic as we move forward to a better future.Kira, Scion of the Precept.