City of Arabel Secondary Skill System (Or CoAss)
Yes, I did that on purpose.
On creation, you can select skills that are not covered by the NwN default skill system. These will, more or less, be reserved for the province of roleplay.
The skills are as following:
- Alchemy - For when we eventually add alchemy. Represents knowledge of mixing and creating magical brews as well.
- Athletics - Offers bonuses to climb, jump, swim, and other such checks scattered throughout the mod.
- Diplomacy - Represents finer knowledge of etiquette and represents 'extra investment' into persuade/bluff/intimidate.
- Enchanting - Represents the knowledge to make magic 'permanent,' on items. Will be used in an enchanting system once we 're ready to introduce it. For now, it's merely roleplay.
- Herbalism - represents knowledge of various bits of lore regarding flora and mushrooms. Druids get this naturally.
- Larceny - Used in creating counterfeit item and other such foul, larcenous deeds...
- Mining - Represents knowledge of removing various minerals and rocks from the earth. Might, in the future- offer a bonus chance for increased yield in mining activities. Dwarves receive a bonus to this skill.
- Tracking - Adds a bonus to tracking checks. Rangers/Druids receive bonuses to this naturally, and add their class levels to any check.
Players receive 1 point per level to invest, invest wisely. This point is not retroactive on level loss.
Skills are modified by relevant attribute modifiers. (Athletics = Strength, Diplomacy = charisma, for example).
The DOT commands associated with this system are as following:
.ss add - Allocate specified number of points to a skill. (.ss add alchemy 3)
.ss list - List all skills and their associated modified ranks.
.ss list base - List all skills and their associated base ranks.
.ss roll - Get a d20 roll of the skill with modifiers (.ss roll alchemy)
.ss roll private - Get a d20 roll of the skill with modifiers (.ss roll alchemy) and send DM message with the resultA DM WILL NOT, AND CANNOT HELP YOU, REASSIGN YOUR POINTS. THIS IS PERMANENT, AND IF YOU
Credit to EFU for allowing us to model this system off of them.