PC Description Changer
Save you guys a bit of time, if you choose to implement.
//Written by Deloril. Simply changes the description of the PC, either appending or replacing. void main() { object oPC = GetPCSpeaker(); string sOldDescription = GetDescription(oPC, FALSE, FALSE); string sNewDescription = "Lol heres a test"; //add getter from wherever you want the text to come from. (dot command, etc) int iAppend = 0; //TRUE will append the description, FALSE will replace it. //put some form of test deciding whether to append or replace, setting iAppend appropriately if(iAppend) { string sToApply = sOldDescription + sNewDescription; SetDescription(oPC, sNewDescription, FALSE); } else { SetDescription(oPC, sNewDescription, FALSE); } }
Please, please, please, please, add this somewhere.