Arcane Registration
A number of law abiding arcanists are seen presenting themselves at the Crown barracks further to the recent call for registration.
If you linger long enough in one of Arabels taverns you'll overhear plenty mages, however, rebuke the Crown Guard and condemn the registration.
The view of the Precept is not yet apparent.
After the recent fall of the Precept and the revelation of dark and darker forces being behind them, there is less trust than ever on sorcerers. Mages, too, feel some repercussions of the latest events. More and more common folk and city officials begin to support the Crown's Arcane Registration drive, with loyal Arabellans reporting their magical neighbors to the Crown if they have not yet registered.
Tidbits heard around the city:
- "Be loyal and report suspicious mages."
- "Death to sorcerers!"
- "The Precept sorcerers killed my wife!"
- "How can you tell a wizard from a sorcerer? They do the same thing! None of them can be trusted!"
In response to the Royal Proclamation, there is a feeling of a welcome surprise among the people though many mages complain of poor treatment at the hands of local merchants and citizen.
Once again the least of the realm look to their betters in hope of security. Rumors of the precept's true nature still circulate and of the other travesties brought on by Mages ranging from the Black Tower to the Illuminated Blade. Some reports of beaten mages and in more than one whispered conversation of murder can be overheard in the outlying areas, spread by caravan travellars.
More and more mages begin to register with their local lords or the crown directly though not all are pleased with this harsh measure.
Many wonder what comes next fearful of being in the middle of a magical confrontation.....