Tightly Timed Package Quest
Tightly Timed Package (4-6)
Party Size: 1-8
Quest Giver: Thea Emerald, located in Arabel, Interiors (Workshop)The person that you are to find in Eveningstar for this quest is no longer there.
@prettysmitten The Quest List probably needs to be updated to reflect this as well.
The Crafting Stations page also needs to be updated as:
https://gyazo.com/58aa5ebd35f10ae150ade133dbc01e3f (the image format does not work for some reason)
Should also probably update the Tristan quest in Eveningstar as well. Can give it to Ser Couscous or something.
Who did you speak to after Kimberly? The quest dialogue says Helena Clarke by the stables but I can't find her.
I couldn't get in the inn because it was locked. So, I never got past Tristan. Helena is usually behind the inn towards the right normally.
Okay, will fix.
Resolved. Tightly timed delivery - final npc moved to collinwood and renamed Erika Tumbleweed
Thanks Echo!