House Meeting
Brothers and Sisters of the House of the Morning!
We have grown in recent weeks, myself among them.
I know duty spreads us thin however it would be good to join in chorus with yourselves, if but briefly so we may share our bonds and see them strengthened!
If there is some time and date that suits you let it be known.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
//I'm GMT but I'm free most of the time at the moment.
I feel as though this is much needed,
I look forward to our meeting, there is much I would like to discuss.// I'm EST usually available in the evenings (after 4 p.m.)
Wonderful. I’ve been meaning to speak with you so will be there unless maidens or farmboys need rescuing.
Sir Myrkyr
//I’ll try meet up with you IG//
Brothers and sisters of the Dawn,
I am humbled and awe struck to be included amongst the most pious and devoted of the Dawnlords servants. Thank you for allowing me to contribute to the good deeds you have already begun.I have only travelled the southern lands for a tenday, yet I already see many wrongs that much be put right. The presence of the Tilverton Ravens, the open acceptance of the doctrines of the Black Chalice, lay like storm clounds on my mind.
I looked through the files, yet could find little information that could illuminate our path forward. You undoubtedly know far more than I, of the activities in the region. So before I reach conclusions based on ignorance, I shall make an effort to see you, and listen to the wisdom you can share.
Did the House Meeting set forth a path for us all to gather around? What shall we do, to fight back the tides of darkness, that spread with haste in the region? Will we take a more active role in the trials ahead in the region, or focus entirely upon the well being of our own village?