Owlbear Lair boss not spawning
Area name: ZQH Haunted Halls: Owlbear Lair
Issue Location: Owlbear Lair
Quest Name: Owlbear Lair
Store Name:
NPC Name:
NPC Location:
Server Version: Unknown (encountered today)
Screen Shot:The Owlbear Matron did not spawn. I talked to the questgiver NPC asking to bring along another person (this has respawned npc's in the past).
I also had a skeleton warrior spawn from the bone pile. Not sure if that's intentional or not considering the amount of other enemies in the area.
@arcanigans Skeleton warrior was not intentional. I thought I removed the script from those placeables.
Will look into the boss trigger and post again when it's resolved. -
OK I think I found the issue. Should be fixed v7377