Language widgets broken and not from Palette
Area name: Starting Area
Issue Location: On creation
Quest Name: n/a
Store Name: n/a
NPC Name: n/a
NPC Location: n/a
Server Version: 191116 Puffy 6520 --
Screen Shot: n/a
Time: 11/16/19 12h45 gmt-5Issue Description: Was testing things with Puffy and getting my missing language when we noticed 2 things. Will report the other one separately.
Main issue here is that on creation, you get language widget for your race/class appropriately but those widgets are broken and not the ones from the palette.
Once I had my broken widgets changed, when I relogged with my PC, the old broken widgets were spawned back on me again. -
Fix attempted v6524
I had to change the scripts that make languages work. If your language token breaks, ask a DM kindly to replace it with one from the palette.
Should be fixed v6536