Was anyone else anything to add in regards to this? If not I shall put it up for vote.
-Loreseeker Eshan
Was anyone else anything to add in regards to this? If not I shall put it up for vote.
-Loreseeker Eshan
If you ensure that Tilverton hands over the guilty members Pierre I see no reason why the others cannot go free.
I see no information about removing a bounty if someone handed over any of the dukes subjects and this is not something that could happen with just the one council member, the vote would stand and bounty remain.
The real farce here is that you are completly ignoring the murders that took place to attempt to get your mercenaries off the hook.
How exactly does this warrent the Murrains bounty canceled and void? What logic is there behind such?
They did what they did which was sacrifice people, whatever reason they did this for doesnt matter it is the act itself which does.
Whatever concern you raise here is a completly other issue and if you want it discussed dont mar it with a different issue completly.
-Loreseeker Eshan
The Lady of Bells is brazen enough to wander the streets of Arabel and venture into the taverns within the city offering trades to any whom are to ignorant to know better.
Any whom confront her should use caution as she is likley to bring forth an army of undead upon them, these undead are powerfull and dangerous.
-Loreseeker Eshan
These halls shall serve as a bastian against the threats that linger within the helmlands and forest of eyes. It is what we need if we are to overcome the horrors and abberations that linger within those regions and inturn the large, freshly awoken gargantiuan beholder whom serves the devourer of gods.
-Loreseeker Eshan of the Seekers of Fallen stars.
The Murrain are hired mercanaries of Tilvertons and inturn Tilvertons responsibility. The settlement of Eveningstar and Tilverton are at war. Was this an act of war against Eveningstar? Were all involved in some manner or was this the slaughter of innocents?
The Murrain represent Tilverton and thus the town must also hold responisbility and face some serious penalty for these actions as I believe there is time of held blades untill the battle to decide takes place.
If the Murrain acted independantly from Tilverton's orders then the settlement must face charges and penalty for their negligence, incompetence and lack of control of their own troops.
These should be penalties added ontop of whatever bounty is placed upon these of the Murrain.
-Loreseeker Igrezor
What have the Murrain done for the good of the city and region?
What do they desire? I only get the impression they want to herald in plagues and disease while acting as mercanaries. While I have nothing against mercanaries, I do not think the Murrain have the regions best interest in mind. I would advise agaisnt.
-Loreseeker Eshan.
From my experience seems to have the good of the city and people at heart. She would be my choice.
-Loreseeker Eshan
Has anyone else anything they would wish to add to this list?